Richard I "The Lion Heart":An ardent Christian, Richard I led a crusade to reclaim the Holy Land from the Ottoman Turks. Though there is no actual reference of her following the rules of chivalry, she did end up giving her life to strengthen her cause an act that cannot go unnoticed. Jeanne d'Arc: Fought for Church and country in order to liberate that which she held to dear.
Ivanhoe: Fought against insurmountable odds in order to free his true love, among other things. Read his song if you need a reason as to why he's on this list. Roland: One of the 12 Peers of Charlemagne, Roland is already mentioned earlier on. Sir Galahad: Vowed to protect King Arthur, was unparalleled in combat, and retrieved the Holy Grail in order to please his Church. He did vow to protect King Arthur, and held to that vow until he left with Guinevere. Sir Lancelot: I know, he committed adultery with Guinevere, but it was in the name of true love, and courtly love is one of the most sacred things of all. King Arthur: Though too involved in keeping the peace in Camelot (leading to the scheduled execution of his wife), Arthur was chosen by Merlin (who wielded divine power) to wield Excalibur, and in that right could be considered a paladin, though there is still some doubt. However what is interesting the list of famous paladins in history: Ofcourse these paladins didn't have holy shock or the ability to summon overweight holy bodyguards. My main is a female human paladin named Vasti and I think female paladins are cooler than male paladins! (Male paladins are so cliché)Slightly OT but considering that wow lore takes inspiration from real life events and history this website is a wonderful source of info on the history of paladinhood: She didn't get notable until she turned evil and even then she has less background than Liadrin.Īnyone else think that paladin lore could use some more females rather than the usual old bearded guys?

Lady Blaumeaux (or whatever the girls name from the four horsemen is) is hardly a notable paladin. I always hated that there are hardly any notable female paladins.īesides Lady Liadrin (who actually doesn't even have that big of background) are there other notable female paladins?